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had been struck

  • 1 бить(ся)

    1. to beat; 2. to strike; 3. to hit; 4. to tap; 5. to pat; 6. to rap; 7. to punch; 8. to thump; 9. to slap; 10. to knock; 11. to knock smb about/ around; 12. to club; 13. to kick; 14. to lash; 15. to pound; 16. to smack
    Русский глагол бить указывает на многократный характер действия, но не конкретизирует как, чем и по отношению к кому или чему было произведено это действие. Английские соответствия различают многократность и однократность действия и поэтому они эквивалентны не только глаголу бить, но и глаголам ударять/ударить и стучать/стукнуть. Кроме этого английские глаголы указывают и на то, как и чем наносятся удары.
    1. to beat — бить, биться, колотить, ударять, избить (подчеркивается многократность действия; разный характер ударов в русском языке может передаваться разными приставками, как, например, побить, избить и распространенными словосочетаниями; в английском языке в таких случаях используются послелоги или другие глаголы): to beat a carpet — выколачивать ковер; to beat a rug — вытряхивать половик; to beat the dust out of the rug — выбивать пыль из ковра; to beat a drum — бить в барабан; to beat time — отбивать такт; to beat eggs — взбивать яйца; to beat meat — отбивать мясо; to beat smb (up) — бить кого-либо/избивать кого-либо; to beat smb cruelly (to death) — жестоко (до смерти) избить кого-либо; to beat smb with a stick — избивать кого-либо палкой/бить кого-либо папкой; to beat smb for stealing (for lying) — побить кого-либо за воровство (за вранье); one's heart beats — сердце бьется. The rain beat the grass flat. — Дождь прибил траву. You ought to be well beaten. — Тебя надо как следует выпороть. The bird beats its wings against the cage. — Птица бьется крыльями в клетке. Не was badly beaten. — Его здорово избили./Ero сильно избили. We heard the waves beating against the shore. — Мы слышали, как волны, бились о берег. The rain beats against the roof. — Дождь бьет по крыше./Дождь стучит по крыше.
    2. to strike — ударять, ударить, стукнуть, нанести удар (упот- ребляется в официа.1ьной речи, описывает удар по какой-либо части тела): The evidence showed that the victim had been struck over the head with an iron bar. — Свидетельские показания указывают на то, что пострадавшему/жертве был нанесен удар по голове железным прутом. The clock was striking midnight. — Часы били полночь. Jane was on the point of striking the child again when her husband stopped her. — Джейн собиралась еще раз ударить ребенка, но муж остановил ее. The court heard that the defendant had struck Ted repeatedly in the face, causing serious bruising. — Суд заслушал свидетельские показания о том, что ответчик нанес Тэду многократные удары в лицо, избив его до синяков. Sergeant Morris struck the drum and the band started to march down the street. — Сержант Моррис ударил в барабан, и оркестр стал маршировать по улице. The lightning struck the tree. — Молния ударила в дерево./Молния попала в дерево.
    3. to hit — ударить, ударять, стукнуть (употребляется в обыденных ситуациях, чаще, чем to strike и обычно подразумевает одушевленное существительное в качестве подлежащего): to hit smb with smth — ударить кого-либо чем-либо (тем, что держат в руке) Peter keeps hitting me. — Петр постоянно меня бьет./Петр все время дает мне подзатыльники. She swung around and hit him with her umbrella. — Она круто развернулась и ударила его зонтиком. After she told him off to stop complaining he hit her over the head with a book. — После того, как она приказала ему перестать жаловаться, он ударил ее по голове книгой. Hitting him hard in the stomach she dashed for the phone and called the police. — Сильно ударив его в живот, она бросилась к телефону и вызвала полицию. Don't fight with your brother, he will only hit you back as he is older than you are. — He дерись с братом, он старше тебя и даст тебе сдачи./Не дерись с братом, он старше тебя и нанесет тебе ответный удар.
    4. to tap — ударять, ударить, стукнуть (легкий, негромкий стук или удар пальцами или ногой, постукивание): She tapped her foot in time to the music. — Она постукивала ногой в такт музыке. Не tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair. — Он легко постукивал пальцами по подлокотнику кресла. Не tapped her on the shoulder to attract her attention. — Он похлопал ее по плечу, чтобы привлечь внимание.
    5. to pat — похлопать, потрепать (так же как и глагол to tap, описывает легкий, негромкий стук или удар, легкое постукивание, как знак одобрения или ласки): She patted the child on the shoulder encouragingly. — Она ободряюще похлопала ребенка по плечу. Не patted the dog affectionately as he spoke. — Говоря, он ласково трепал свою собаку. You can pat yourself on the shoulder/arm for the well done job. — Вы можете похвалить себя за хорошо выполненную работу.
    6. to rap — ударить, стукнуть (в отличие от глаголов to tap и to pat — нанести резкий, отрывистый удар при неодобрении, раздражении или критике): She rapped the table with her hand and called for silence. — Она ударила рукой по столу, призывая к тишине. She rapped loudly on the door. — Она громко стукнула в дверь.
    7. to punch — нанести сильный удар кулаком ( в гневе или борьбе): I punched him on the jaw. — Я дал ему в челюсть. Не punched him on the nose. — Он дал ему по носу./Он заехал ему по носу. The woman claimed that she had been punched and kicked by one of the policeman. — Женщина заявила, что один из полицейских ударил ее кулаком и пнул ногой. Employees are protected by screens to stop the angry clients from punching them in the face. — Служащих от посетителей отделяет защитный экран, чтобы разъяренные клиенты не набросились на них с кулаками.
    8. to thump — сильно бить, биться, колотить, колотиться ( обо чтолибо), стукнуть, сильно ударить ( но не по голове или лицу), надавать тумаков: The chairman thumped the table for silence. — Председатель стукнул по столу, призывая к тишине. His heart (head) was thumping. — У него колотилось сердце (стучало в висках). Не was thumping on the door. — Он колотил в дверь. The teacher told Peter off for thumping the kids sitting next to him. — Учитель отчитывал Петра за то, что тот бил ребят, сидящих рядом. Steve choked and I thumped him on the back several times until he began to breathe. — Стив подавился, и я стукнул его несколько раз по спине, пока он не начал дышать. Не thumped him in the stomach and ran off. — Он ударил его в живот и убежал./Он стукнул его по животу и убежал. I tried to stop the fighting boys but only got thumped on my chest. — Я пыталась разнять дерущихся мальчишек, но только получила удар в грудь.
    9. to slap — дать пощечину, ударить по лицу, ударить наотмашь: She was so angry with her husband she was really tempted to slap him. — Она так рассердилась на мужа, что готова была ударить его по лицу/ Она так рассердилась на мужа, что готова была дать ему пощечину. She slapped him across the face and stormed out of the room. — Она отвесила ему звонкую пощечину и, разъяренная, вылетела из комнаты. I slapped his face a few times to see if he regained his consciousness. — Я несколько раз похлопала его по щеке, чтобы привести его в сознание.
    10. to knock — бить, стукать, стукнуть: They knocked him on the head. — Его ударили по голове./Его стукнули по голове. 1 knocked my head against/on a beam. — Я стукнулся головой о балку./ Я ударился головой о балку. Someone is knocking at the door. — Кто-то стучит в дверь. They knocked the bottom of the barrel out. — Они выбили дно бочки. She knocked the ball out of my hand. Она выбила мяч у меня из рук. I knocked the cup flying off the table. — Я смахнул чашку со стола. 1). to knock smb about/around — ударить кого-либо несколько раз (особенно для того, чтобы напугать), толкать друг друга, тузить друг друга: The boys are knocking each other about in the yard. — Мальчики дерутся во дворе, толкая друг друга./Мальчики дерутся во дворе, мутузя друг друга. The car was badly knocked about. — Машина была сильно помята. Their father used to knock their mother about when he was drunk. — Когда отец бывал пьян, он бил их мать./Отец избивал их мать, когда бывал пьян.
    12. to club — стукнуть, ударить ( по голове) ( чем-либо тяжелым или палкой): The attacker clubbed the gas station attendant and escaped with the money. — Нападающий стукнул работника бензоколонки чем-то тяжелым по голове и убежал, забрав все деньги. They clubbed the boy to death. — Они забили мальчика до смерти.
    13. to kick — ударить, ударять, наподдать ногой, толкнуть ногой, пнуть, пинать, дрыгать ногами, отбиваться ногами: She kicked me under the table. — Она толкнула меня под столом ногой. The police kicked the door down. — Полицейские выбили ногами дверь. Billy was kicking a ball around the yard. — Билли гонял мяч по двору. Не got kicked in the face playing rugby. — Во время игры в регби ему попали ногой в лицо. The cow may kick a bit when you milk it. — Корова может лягнуть во время дойки. They danced and sang and kicked their legs high in the air. — Они пели и плясали, высоко вскидывая ноги. The baby kicked its legs and its mother could hardly dress it. — Ребенок болтал ногами, и мать с трудом его одевала./Ребенок дрыгал ногами, и мать с трудом его одевала.
    14. to lash — бить наотмашь, хлестать, стегать ( кнутом): The rain lashed her face. — Дождь хлестал ей в лицо. The waves lashed the shore. — Волны яростно бились о берег. The gale lashed violently against the window. — Шторм с силой ударял в окно./Шторм яростно бился в оконные рамы. The driver lashed the horse until it pulled the carriage out onto a drier place of the road. — Возница стегал лошадь до тех пор, пока она не вытащила воз на сухое место на дороге. The cows were lashing their tails to keep the gadflies away. — Коровы махали хвостами, отгоняя оводов.
    15. to pound — бить, биться, колотить, колотиться ( ударяясь о какую-либо поверхность), разбивать, толочь: The heavy sea pounded against the pier. — Штормовые волны бились о причал. Tomas pounded the door with his fists. — Томас колотил в дверь кулаками. Не pounded up the stairs in front of her. — Он, топоча, поднимался по лестнице впереди нее. She rushed home, her heart pounding with excitement. — Она ринулась домой, сердце ее колотилось в груди от возбуждения./Она ринулась домой, сердце ее билось в груди от волнения. Pound the almonds and mix with bread crumbs. — Растолките миндаль и смешайте его с хлебной крошкой.
    16. to smack — шлепать, нашлепать, чавкать, чмокать ( губами) (обозначает легкий удар по какой-либо поверхности, сопровождаемый звуком): То bed now, or I'll smack your bottom! — Немедленно в постель, а то я тебя отшлепаю! Не smacked his fist against his palm. — Он (с досадой, в восторге) ударил кулаком по ладони. Не smelled the air and smacked his lips with expectation. — Он втянул носом воздух и почмокал губами в предвкушении еды. A piece of plaster smacked against the floor. — Кусок штукатурки шмякнулся на пол.

    Русско-английский объяснительный словарь > бить(ся)

  • 2 fulminar

    1 to strike down.
    un rayo la fulminó she was struck by lightning
    fulminar a alguien con la mirada to look daggers at somebody
    2 to fulminate, to kill, to strike by lighting, to strike dead.
    * * *
    1 to strike with lightning
    2 figurado to strike dead
    fulminar a alguien (con la mirada) to look daggers at somebody
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=destruir) to strike down
    2) [+ amenazas] to utter ( contra against)
    VI to fulminate, explode
    * * *
    verbo transitivo ( matar)

    un cáncer lo fulminó — he developed cancer and died within a few days/weeks

    * * *
    Ex. I am frequently taken to task as someone who would try to destroy the integrity of certain catalogs on the West Coast.
    * fulminar a Alguien con la mirada = look + daggers at.
    * fulminar con la mirada = glower, scowl (at).
    * fulminar los precios = slash + prices.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo ( matar)

    un cáncer lo fulminó — he developed cancer and died within a few days/weeks

    * * *

    Ex: I am frequently taken to task as someone who would try to destroy the integrity of certain catalogs on the West Coast.

    * fulminar a Alguien con la mirada = look + daggers at.
    * fulminar con la mirada = glower, scowl (at).
    * fulminar los precios = slash + prices.

    * * *
    fulminar [A1 ]
    (matar): murieron fulminados they were struck by lightning and killed
    cayó como fulminado por un rayo he collapsed as if he had been struck by lightning
    un cáncer del hígado lo fulminó he developed cancer of the liver and died within a few days/weeks
    lo fulminó con la mirada she looked daggers at him, she gave him a withering look
    2 ‹amenazas/maldiciones› fulminar algo CONTRA algn to hurl sth AT sb
    * * *

    fulminar vtr fig to strike dead
    fulminar a alguien con la mirada, to look daggers at sb
    ' fulminar' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    [sujeto: enfermedad] to strike down;
    un rayo la fulminó she was struck by lightning;
    fulminar a alguien con la mirada to look daggers at sb
    * * *
    lo fulminó un rayo he was killed by lightning;
    fulminar a alguien con la mirada look daggers at s.o. fam
    * * *
    1) : to strike with lightning
    2) : to strike down
    fulminar a alguien con la mirada: to look daggers at someone

    Spanish-English dictionary > fulminar

  • 3 foudre

    foudre [fudʀ]
    feminine noun
    * * *
    nom féminin lightning

    avoir le coup de foudre pour quelqu'un/quelque chose — to be really taken with somebody/something

    foudres fml nom féminin pluriel wrath [U]
    * * *
    1. nf

    L'arbre a été frappé par la foudre. — The tree was struck by lightning.

    2. foudres nfpl
    fig (= colère) wrath sg
    * * *
    A nm
    1 ( tonneau) cask;
    2 hum foudre de guerre true warrior; il n'a rien d'un foudre de guerre he's not exactly a great warrior.
    B nf Météo lightning; la foudre est tombée sur le bâtiment the building was struck by lightning; la foudre a mis le feu aux installations the installations were set on fire by lightning; frappé par la foudre struck by lightning.
    C foudres fml nfpl wrath ¢; s'attirer/affronter les foudres de qn to incur/to face sb's wrath.
    coup de foudre love at first sight; entre elle et lui ce fut un coup de foudre réciproque it was love at first sight for both of them; se marier sur un coup de foudre to rush into marriage; avoir le coup de foudre pour qn/qch to be really taken with sb/sth.
    [fudr] nom féminin
    prompt ou rapide comme la foudre (as) quick as lightning
    foudres nom féminin pluriel
    [fudr] nom masculin
    1. [tonneau] tun
    foudre de guerre nom masculin
    1. [guerrier] great warrior

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > foudre

  • 4 percutio

    per-cŭtĭo, cussi, cussum, 3 ( perf. contr. percusti for percussisti, Hor. S. 2, 3, 273), v. a. [quatio].
    (With the notion of the per predominating.) To strike through and through, to thrust or pierce through (syn.: percello, transfigo).

    percussus cultello,

    Varr. R. R. 1, 69, 2:

    gladio percussus,

    Cic. Mil. 24, 65:

    Mamilio pectus percussum,

    Liv. 2, 19, 8:

    coxam Aeneae,

    Juv. 15, 66:

    vena percutitur,

    a vein is opened, blood is let, Sen. Ep. 70, 13:


    to cut through, dig a trench, Front. Strat. 3, 17; Plin. Ep. 10, 50, 4.—
    Transf., to slay, kill (class.; cf.:

    neco, perimo, ico, ferio): aliquem securi,

    to behead, Cic. Pis. 34, 84; id. Fin. 1, 7, 23:

    collum percussa securi Victima,

    Ov. Tr. 4, 2, 5; Liv. 39, 43:

    aliquem veneno,

    App. M. 10, p. 252, 21:


    Suet. Calig. 3; Ov. H. 4, 94.—Hence, percutere foedus, to make a league, conclude a treaty (because an animal was slaughtered on the occasion;

    only post-Aug. for ferio, ico), Auct. B. Alex. 44: cum Albanis foedus percussit,

    Just. 42, 3, 4; 43, 5, 10; Vulg. 3 Reg. 5, 12.—
    (With the idea of the verb predominating.) To strike, beat, hit, smite, shoot, etc. (cf.: ico, pulso, ferio).
    In gen. (class.):

    ceu lapidem si Percutiat lapis aut ferrum,

    Lucr. 6, 162:

    cum Cato percussus esset ab eo, qui arcam ferebat,

    had been struck, Cic. de Or. 2, 69, 279:

    januam manu,

    Tib. 1, 5, 68; 1, 6, 3:

    turres de caelo percussae,

    struck with lightning, Cic. Cat. 3, 8, 19; cf.:

    hunc nec Juppiter fulmine percussit,

    id. N. D. 3, 35, 84:

    percussus ab aspide calcatā,

    stung, bitten, Plin. 23, 1, 27, § 56; cf.: PERCVSSVS A VIPERA, Inscr. Vermigl. Iscriz. Perug. p. 319; Plin. 28, 3, 6, § 30; 28, 4, 10, § 44:

    color percussus luce refulgit,

    struck, Lucr. 2, 799; cf. Ov. M. 6, 63; Val. Fl. 1, 495:

    auriculae (voce) percussae,

    Prop. 1, 16, 28:

    percussus vocibus circus,

    Sil. 16, 398.— Neutr.:

    sol percussit super caput,

    Vulg. Jonae, 4, 8.—
    In partic.
    To strike, stamp, coin money (post-Aug.):

    ut nummum argenteum notā sideris Capricorni percusserit,

    Suet. Aug. 94; id. Ner. 25. —
    To strike, play a musical instrument ( poet.):


    Ov. Am. 3, 12, 40; Val. Fl. 5, 100.—
    As t. t. in weaving, to throw the shuttle with the woof: (lacernae) male percussae textoris pectine Galli, badly or coarsely woven, Juv. 9, 30.—
    Haec meraclo se percussit flore Libyco (=vino Mareotico), to get drunk, Plaut. Cas. 3, 5, 16 (cf.: sauciare se flore Liberi, Enn. ap. Fulg. 562, 25).—
    To smite, strike, visit with calamity of any kind (class.):

    percussus calamitate,

    Cic. Mur. 24, 49:

    percussus fortunae vulnere,

    id. Ac. 1, 3, 11:


    Vulg. Zach. 14, 18: anathemate. id. Mal. 4, 6:


    id. 1 Macc. 1, 32:

    in stuporem,

    id. Zach. 12, 4.—
    To strike, shock, make an impression upon, affect deeply, move, astound (class.):

    percussisti me de oratione prolatā,

    Cic. Att. 3, 12, 3; id. Mil. 29, 79: audivi ex Gavio, Romae esse hominem, et fuisse assiduum: percussit animum, it struck me, made me suspicious, id. Att. 4, 8, b, 3:

    animos probabilitate,

    id. Tusc. 5, 11, 33:

    percussus atrocissimis litteris,

    id. Fam. 9, 25, 3:

    fragor aurem percutit,

    Juv. 11, 98.—
    To cheat, deceive, impose upon one (class.):

    aliquem probe,

    Plaut. Ps. 2, 2, 9:

    hominem eruditum,

    Cic. Fl. 20, 46:

    hominem strategemate,

    id. Att. 5, 2, 2:

    aliquem palpo,

    to flatter, Plaut. Am. 1, 3, 28.—
    (Acc. to II. A. 2. a.) To strike, stamp (post-Aug.):

    facta dictaque tua unā formā percussa sunt,

    Sen. Ep. 34, 3.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > percutio

  • 5 видать виды

    видать (видывать) < всякие> виды; см. тж. видавший виды 1), 2)
    1) (быть опытным, бывалым, многое испытать в жизни) have seen a lot of life (much in one's life); have seen a thing or two (a few things) in one's time; have seen things before; have been around

    Простаков. Какая беда! ну! разорят нас до конца. Правдин. Чего вы испугались? Простаков. Ах ты, отец родной! мы уж видали виды. Я к ним и появиться не смею. (Д. Фонвизин, Недоросль)Prostakov: What a misfortune! They'll ruin us completely! Pravdin: Why are you so frightened? Prostakov: Oh, my dear sir! I've seen things before. I'm afraid to go and face them.

    Всякие виды мне приходилось видывать, но как он орудует штыком и прикладом, знаете ли, - это страшно! (М. Шолохов, Наука ненависти) — 'I've seen a thing or two in my time, but the way he lays about him butt and bayonet - I tell you, man, it's really terrifying!'

    2) (быть поношенным, потрёпанным и т. п. (о вещи)) be old and battered (weathered, well-worn); be an old-timer; have seen a thing or two (of things)

    Очевидно, это судёнышко "видало виды". Корпус изборождён глубокими продольными ржавыми вмятинами, покрыт клёпаными заплатами, следами ударов плавучих льдин. (В. Кожевников, Бухта Полярная) — Obviously this craft had seen a thing or two. The hull was furrowed with long, deep, rusty scars and covered with rivet-studded patches where it had been struck by ice-floes.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > видать виды

  • 6 percutiō

        percutiō cussī (percusti, H.), cussus, ere    [per+quatio], to strike through and through, thrust through, pierce, transfix: gladio percussus: Mamilio pectus percussum, L.: coxam Aeneae, Iu.: non percussit locum, i. e. the right place (for a fatal blow).— To strike hard, beat, hit, smite, shoot: cum Cato percussus esset ab eo, had been struck: res de caelo percussae, struck by lightning: ab imbre percussis solibus, O.: manu pectus percussa, V.: lyram, play, O.: (lacernae) male percussae pectine, i. e. poorly woven, Iu.— To slay, kill: aliquem securi, behead: collum percussa securi Victima, O. —Fig., to smite, strike, visit, overwhelm, ruin: percussus calamitate: percussus fortunae volnere.— To strike, shock, impress, affect deeply, move, astound: percussit animum, it impressed me: animos probabilitate: amore percussus, H.: fragor aurem percutit, Iu.— To cheat, deceive, impose upon: hominem strategemate.
    * * *
    percutere, percussi, percussus V
    beat, strike; pierce

    Latin-English dictionary > percutiō

  • 7 Г-329

    исчезнуть, пропасть С ГОРИЗОНТА (чьего) PrepP Invar the resulting PrepP is adv
    (to stop associating) with a certain group of people
    X исчез с (Y-ова) горизонта = X disappeared from the scene (from Y's circle)
    X left the scene (the picture) X disappeared from sight (from view) X dropped out of sight (the picture).
    А в скором времени исчез с горизонта и сам Жёлудев Н. А. Его сняли «за нетактичное поведение» (Грекова 3)....Soon Zheludev, N.A. disappeared from the scene. He was removed for "tactless behavior" (3a).
    Прошло полтора года... Удар, нанесённый Лопаткину, оказался как раз тем предельным усилием его противников, которого он опасался и ждал. Изобретатель исчез с горизонта (Дудинцев 1). A year and a half had gone by. The blow that had been struck at Lopatkin proved to be that final effort of his opponents which he had feared and expected. The inventor disappeared from sight (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Г-329

  • 8 с горизонта

    [PrepP; Invar; the resulting PrepP is adv]
    (to stop associating) with a certain group of people:
    - X исчез с (Y-ова) горизонта X disappeared from the scene < from Y's circle>;
    - X left the scene < the picture>;
    - X disappeared from sight < from view>;
    - X dropped out of sight < the picture>.
         ♦ А в скором времени исчез с горизонта и сам Жёлудев Н. А. Его сняли "за нетактичное поведение" (Грекова 3)....Soon Zheludev, N.A. disappeared from the scene. He was removed for "tactless behavior" (3a).
         ♦ Прошло полтора года... Удар, нанесённый Лопаткину, оказался как раз тем предельным усилием его противников, которого он опасался и ждал. Изобретатель исчез с горизонта (Дудинцев 1). A year and a half had gone by. The blow that had been struck at Lopatkin proved to be that final effort of his opponents which he had feared and expected. The inventor disappeared from sight (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > с горизонта

  • 9 первая рюмка - колом, вторая соколом, а третья - мелкими пташечками

    первая рюмка - колом, вторая соколом, а третья (после третьей) - мелкими пташечками
    lit. the first glass sticks in the throat, the second flies down like a hawk, but after the third they're like tiny little birds

    Только в самое первое время в Москве те странные деревенскому жителю, непроизводительные, но неизбежные расходы, которые потребовались от него со всех сторон, поражали Левина. Но теперь он уже привык к ним. С ним случилось в этом отношении то, что, говорят, случается с пьяницами: первая рюмка - колом, вторая соколом, а после третьей - мелкими пташечками. (Л. Толстой, Анна Каренина) — Only during the first days of his stay in Moscow Levin had been struck by the expenditure, strange to one living in the country, unproductive but inevitable, that was expected of him on every side. But by now he had grown used to it. That had happened to him in this matter which is said to happen to drunkards - the first glass sticks in the throat, the second flies down like a hawk, but after the third they're like tiny little birds.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > первая рюмка - колом, вторая соколом, а третья - мелкими пташечками

  • 10 dár

    n. scoff;
    draga dár at e-m, to make game or jest of one, to ridicule one; cf. dára.
    a., scarcely used except in the neut., ‘dátt,’
    1) e-m verðr dátt við e-t, one is startled at a thing (við þau tíðendi varð honum svá dátt, sem hann væri steini lostinn);
    2) e-m verðr dátt um e-t, one is pleased with a thing; svá var dátt með þeim, at, they were on such friendly terms that; gera sér dátt við en, to be very familiar with one; þá var nú í dátt efni komit, they had come to be good friends.
    * * *
    adj. [dá], scarcely used except in the neut. dátt, in various phrases; e-m verð dátt (or dátt um e-t), numbness comes to one, one is benumbed, 623, 10; við þau tíðendi varð honum svá d. sem hanu væri steini lostinn, at those tidings he was as ‘dumbfounded’ as if he had been struck by a stone, Bs. i. 471.
    β. in phrases denoting a charm or fascination exercised over another, always of uncertain and fugitive nature (cp. dá, ð); göra sér dátt við e-n (v. dá-leikar), to become, very familiar with one, Korm. 38: svá var dátt með þeim at …, they so charmed one another that …, Ni. 151; þá var nú í dátt efni komit, i. e. they came to be close friends, Sd. 138; varð mönnum dátt um þat, people were much charmed by it, Bjarn. g. 20, cp. Hm. 50.
    γ. dár gleymsku-svefn, a benumbing sleep of forgetfulness, Pass. 4. 11.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > dár

  • 11 opgive

    forswear, give up, surrender, throw up
    * * *
    vb give up ( fx I give up),
    ( med objekt også) drop ( fx the idea, the plan, a habit),
    (mere F) abandon ( fx the idea, the plan);
    (opgive at hjælpe el. redde) give up; abandon;
    ( ret, krav) give up,
    F relinquish, waive;
    ( meddele) give,
    F state,
    ( pris) quote;
    ( til told) declare;
    ( til eksamen) offer;
    (se også opgivet);
    [ opgive at gøre det] give up doing it;
    [ han opgav at være blevet slået oven i hovedet] he stated that he had been struck on the head;
    [ opgive for højt] overstate;
    [ opgive for lavt] understate;
    [ opgive forretningen] close down, go out of business;
    [ opgive håbet] give up (, F: abandon) hope, despair;
    [ opgive håbet om] give up the hope of, despair of;
    [opgive sin indkomst til £5000] give (el. state) one's income at £5000;
    [ opgive ånden] give up the ghost.

    Danish-English dictionary > opgive

  • 12 شيء

    شَيْء \ article: a particular thing: an article of clothing. element: a part of sth.; a quality that is noticed: There is an element of truth in what you say. object: sth. that can be seen or touched: The dead man had been struck with some sharp object, such as an axe. thing: an action: You did the wrong thing, any object I can’t lift heavy things, a matter; an affair He told me some strange things. \ أَشْياء متعاقِبَة أو متتالِيَة \ succession: a number of things that follow each other: a succession of accidents. \ أَشْياء مُسْتَنْقَذَة \ salvage: things that are salvaged; waste material (such as paper and iron) that can be collected, treated and reused. \ أَشْياء نفيسة جدًّا \ treasure: sth. very valuable and rare: art treasures. \ شَيْءٌ آخَر \ other: (in comparisons) a different one: Some smoke; others do not. He likes French cigarettes and won’t smoke any others. This side is dry; the other is wet. \ الشَّيْءُ الأَقَلّ \ least: one that is smallest: That is the least of my troubles! Helping him was the least we could do. \ شَيْءٌ تافه \ trifle: a small unimportant matter: Don’t quarrel over trifles. \ شَيْءٌ ثَمين \ asset: a valuable quality or possession: A fast runner is an asset to his team. \ See Also قيم (قَيِّم)، مكسب (مَكْسَب)‏ \ شَيْءٌ جَذّاب \ attraction: power of attracting; sth. that attracts. \ See Also جذب (جَذْب)‏ \ شَيْءٌ حَرِيّ بالنَّظَر \ sight: sth. that is seen, or is worth seeing: The spring flowers in the public gardens are a wonderful sight. We are going to Rome to see the sights. \ شَيْءٌ شبيه بِـ \ something like: rather like: A rat looks something like a mouse, but it’s bigger. \ See Also مثل (مِثْل)‏ \ شَيْءٌ عَجيب \ wonder: sth. that causes surprise or admiration: Read about the wonders of modern science. Clever men can work wonders (produce surprising results). \ شَيْءٌ عديم القيمة \ dud: sth. useless because it is badly or dishonestly made; sth. that doesn’t work: We bought a dud washing-machine. This coin is a dud. \ شَيْءٌ غَرِيب \ curiosity: a strange object. \ الشَّيْءُ القليل \ little: hardly anything; less than a reasonable amount: He did little to help her. \ شَيْءٌ مؤسِف \ shame: (with a) an unfortunate thing: It’s a shame that you can’t go with us to the park. \ See Also محزن (مُحْزِن)‏ \ شَيْءٌ مَا \ anything: pron. a thing of any kind: Will you have anything to eat?. something: some thing (but usu. anything in questions or negative sentences): Give him something to eat. \ شَيْءٌ مُخْجِل \ shame: a dishonourable thing: It’s a shame to play tricks on a blind man. \ See Also مخز (مُخْزٍ)‏ \ شَيْءٌ مُخَيِّب للأَمَل \ disappointment: (a cause for) being disappointed. \ شَيْءٌ معروض \ exhibit: sth. that is put on show. \ شَيْءٌ مِنْ \ any: pron. in questions; after if or whether: Have you any money? Have you any books on art? I wonder if / whether she has any milk / any bottles of beer?, after not and without: I haven’t got any money / books. He did it without any difficulty. some: (with nouns) an amount of: I need some money. Can you lend me some?. \ See Also أي (أيّ)‏ \ شَيْءٌ مُنْتَج \ production: producing; the quantity of things produced; an act of producing (a play or film): We must increase car production. They saw a new production of ‘Romeo and Juliet’. \ See Also إنتاج (إنْتَاج)‏ \ شَيْءٌ نادر الحصول \ freak: sth. that is rare and peculiar; a living creature of unnatural form: By some strange freak, a little snow fell in Egypt. This animal is a freak; it has two tails. \ شَيْءٌ هائِل الحَجْم \ monster: an unusually large (and often strangely shaped) person or thing; a nasty cruel person: They found the bones of some ancient monster. An aircraft with 500 seats is a real monster. \ شَيْءٌ يُشْتَرَى للاستثمار \ investment: sth. expensive that seems worth it: I bought this picture as an investment (I hope to sell it at a higher price later). \ شَيْءٌ يُشْعَل به (وَلْعَة)‏ \ light: the use of a match or lighter for a cigarette: Can you give me a light?. \ شَيْءٌ يُلهي \ distraction: sth. that takes one’s mind off one’s work. \ See Also يُشْغِل \ والشَّيءُ بالشّيءِ يُذكَر (عِلى فِكْرَة)‏ \ by the way: (used when adding a new idea to what one has said): By the way, did you know his wife was ill?.

    Arabic-English dictionary > شيء

  • 13 article

    شَيْء \ article: a particular thing: an article of clothing. element: a part of sth.; a quality that is noticed: There is an element of truth in what you say. object: sth. that can be seen or touched: The dead man had been struck with some sharp object, such as an axe. thing: an action: You did the wrong thing, any object I can’t lift heavy things, a matter; an affair He told me some strange things.

    Arabic-English glossary > article

  • 14 element

    شَيْء \ article: a particular thing: an article of clothing. element: a part of sth.; a quality that is noticed: There is an element of truth in what you say. object: sth. that can be seen or touched: The dead man had been struck with some sharp object, such as an axe. thing: an action: You did the wrong thing, any object I can’t lift heavy things, a matter; an affair He told me some strange things.

    Arabic-English glossary > element

  • 15 object

    شَيْء \ article: a particular thing: an article of clothing. element: a part of sth.; a quality that is noticed: There is an element of truth in what you say. object: sth. that can be seen or touched: The dead man had been struck with some sharp object, such as an axe. thing: an action: You did the wrong thing, any object I can’t lift heavy things, a matter; an affair He told me some strange things.

    Arabic-English glossary > object

  • 16 thing

    شَيْء \ article: a particular thing: an article of clothing. element: a part of sth.; a quality that is noticed: There is an element of truth in what you say. object: sth. that can be seen or touched: The dead man had been struck with some sharp object, such as an axe. thing: an action: You did the wrong thing, any object I can’t lift heavy things, a matter; an affair He told me some strange things.

    Arabic-English glossary > thing

  • 17 Βοανηργές

    Βοανηργές (var. other spellings are found in the mss., e.g. Βοανεργές, which is also used by Just.) of Aram. composition Boanerges=Hebr. בְּנֵי רֶגֶשׁ Mk 3:17, transl. υἱοὶ βροντῆς Sons of thunder (cp. Diod S 8, 11, 2 of a house that had been struck by lightning: ὀνομάζεται Ἐμβρονταῖον=House of Thunder); surname given by Jesus to the sons of Zebedee (s. Lk 9:54). See EKautzsch, Gramm. d. Bibl. Aram. 1884, 9; Dalman, Gramm.2 144, Worte 33; 39, 4, Jesus 11; RHarris, Exp. 7th ser. III 1907, 146–52, ET 36, 1925, 139; JBoehmer, StKr 85, 1912, 458–64; EPreuschen, ZNW 18, 1918, 141–44 (s. Fischer, ibid. 23, 1924, 310f); FSchulthess, D. Problem d. Sprache Jesu 1917, 52f, ZNW 21, 1922, 243–47; GBardy, RSR 15, 1925, 167f; 18, 1928, 344; PJoüon, ibid. 438ff; AFridrichsen, SymbOsl 13, ’34, 40: ‘thunderstrokes’; JMontgomery, JBL 56, ’37, 51f; B-D-F §162, 6. (The difficulty pert. to the vowels of Boa is not yet solved; s. ThNöldeke, GGA 1884, 1022f. Nor is it certain that rges=רֶגֶשׁ; Kautzsch points to רְגַז wrath, which would make the word mean the hot-tempered. Wlh.2 ad loc. draws attention to the name Ragasbal. Schulthess first cj. benē reḥēm=fratres uterini, full brothers, then benē regeš=partisans, adherents. JRook, JBL 100, ’81, 94f attributes the problem to a transliteration technique involving an ayin/gamma change.—Pairs of brothers or sisters known by a special name: AKrappe: Amicitiae Corolla 133–46.)

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > Βοανηργές

  • 18 asaltar

    1 to attack.
    2 to rob.
    Ricardo asaltó a Pedro Richard held up Peter.
    3 to seize.
    iba a ir pero al final le asaltaron las dudas he was going to go, but he was seized by doubts at the last minute
    le asaltó el pánico he was overcome by panic
    4 to be assaulted by.
    Te asaltó el bandido You were assaulted by the bandit.
    5 to assault, to assail, to invade, to attack.
    Ricardo asalta bancos Richard assaults banks.
    * * *
    1 to assault, attack (para robar) to raid, rob
    2 (abordar) to approach, come up to
    3 figurado (surgir) to assail
    * * *
    2) mug, rob
    * * *
    1) [+ persona] to attack, assault; (Mil) to storm; [+ banco, tienda etc] to break into, raid; [en disturbios etc] to loot, sack

    anoche fue asaltada la joyería — the jeweller's was raided last night, last night there was a break-in at the jeweller's

    2) [dudas] to assail; [idea] to cross one's mind

    le asaltó una idea — he was struck by an idea, an idea crossed his mind

    3) [desastre, muerte] to fall upon, surprise, overtake
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( robar) <banco/tienda> to rob, hold up; < persona> to rob, mug
    b) ( tomar por asalto) <ciudad/embajada> to storm
    c) ( atacar) to attack, assault
    d) ( acosar) to accost, assail (frml)
    e) idea to strike

    me asaltó una dudaI was struck o seized by a sudden doubt

    * * *
    = raid, storm, break into, break in, mug, assail, hold up.
    Ex. The article ' Raiding the World Bank' explains how the World Bank operates, shareholding, the initiation of loan proposals, and lending to education projects.
    Ex. On October 6, 1976, an angry mob stormed the university to attack students who seemed to threaten the nation.
    Ex. A honeypot is a decoy computer system designed to look like a legitimate system an intruder will want to break into while, unbeknownst to the intruder, they are being covertly observed.
    Ex. The hacker broke in on the university dial-in lines through the library system.
    Ex. In that time, she relates, she had been mugged at gunpoint, punched in the face, and harassed.
    Ex. It's ridiculous to assail people who are making a code for abandoning all the principles which have been going strong for 100 years.
    Ex. The film starts with two small-time thieves who spontaneously decide to hold up a restaurant.
    * asaltar una diligencia = rob + a stagecoach.
    * dudas + asaltar = doubts + assail.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) ( robar) <banco/tienda> to rob, hold up; < persona> to rob, mug
    b) ( tomar por asalto) <ciudad/embajada> to storm
    c) ( atacar) to attack, assault
    d) ( acosar) to accost, assail (frml)
    e) idea to strike

    me asaltó una dudaI was struck o seized by a sudden doubt

    * * *
    = raid, storm, break into, break in, mug, assail, hold up.

    Ex: The article ' Raiding the World Bank' explains how the World Bank operates, shareholding, the initiation of loan proposals, and lending to education projects.

    Ex: On October 6, 1976, an angry mob stormed the university to attack students who seemed to threaten the nation.
    Ex: A honeypot is a decoy computer system designed to look like a legitimate system an intruder will want to break into while, unbeknownst to the intruder, they are being covertly observed.
    Ex: The hacker broke in on the university dial-in lines through the library system.
    Ex: In that time, she relates, she had been mugged at gunpoint, punched in the face, and harassed.
    Ex: It's ridiculous to assail people who are making a code for abandoning all the principles which have been going strong for 100 years.
    Ex: The film starts with two small-time thieves who spontaneously decide to hold up a restaurant.
    * asaltar una diligencia = rob + a stagecoach.
    * dudas + asaltar = doubts + assail.

    * * *
    asaltar [A1 ]
    1 (robar) ‹banco/tienda› to rob, hold up; ‹persona› to rob, mug
    2 ‹fortaleza/ciudad/embajada› to storm, attack
    3 (acosar) to accost, assail ( frml)
    lo asaltaron a preguntas they bombarded him with questions, they fired a barrage of questions at him
    4 «idea» to strike
    en el último momento me asaltó una duda/un temor at the last moment I was struck o seized by a sudden doubt/fear
    le asaltaban dudas acerca de su futuro he was plagued with o by doubts about his future
    * * *

    asaltar ( conjugate asaltar) verbo transitivo
    a) ( atracar) ‹banco/tienda to hold up, rob;

    persona to rob, mug
    b) ( tomar por asalto) ‹ciudad/embajada to storm

    me asaltó una duda I was struck o seized by a sudden doubt

    asaltar verbo transitivo to assault, attack
    (atracar un banco, una tienda) to rob
    fig (un pensamiento) to assail
    ' asaltar' also found in these entries:
    - atracar
    - attack
    - hold up
    - mug
    - raid
    - rush
    - engulf
    - hold
    - jump
    - ram
    - rob
    * * *
    1. [atacar] to attack;
    [castillo, ciudad] to storm;
    la policía asaltó el avión the police stormed the plane
    2. [robar] to rob;
    lo asaltaron con una navaja he was robbed o mugged at knifepoint
    3. [sujeto: dudas, pánico] to seize;
    iba a ir pero al final le asaltaron las dudas he was going to go, but he was seized by doubts at the last minute;
    me asalta una duda, ¿me llegará el dinero? I have one doubt, will I have enough money?;
    le asaltó el pánico he was overcome by o seized with panic
    4. [importunar]
    los periodistas asaltaron al actor a preguntas the journalists bombarded the actor with questions;
    los pabellones se vieron asaltados por visitantes the wards were overrun with visitors
    * * *
    1 persona attack; banco rob
    2 fig
    le asaltó una duda he was suddenly struck by doubt
    * * *
    1) : to assault
    2) : to mug, to rob
    asaltar al poder : to seize power
    * * *
    1. (banco) to rob [pt. & pp. robbed] / to raid
    2. (persona) to mug [pt. & pp. mugged]

    Spanish-English dictionary > asaltar

  • 19 irritar

    1 to irritate.
    Su actitud irrita a Ricardo His attitude irritates Richard.
    La loción irrita la piel The lotion irritates the skin.
    2 to annul.
    El documento irrita la apelación The document annuls the appeal.
    * * *
    1 to irritate
    1 to lose one's temper, get annoyed
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=enfadar) to irritate
    2) (Med) to irritate
    3) [+ celos, pasiones] to stir up, inflame
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <piel/garganta> to irritate
    b) < persona> to annoy, irritate
    irritarse v pron
    a) piel/ojos to become irritated
    b) persona to get annoyed, get irritated
    * * *
    = irk, needle, irritate, rattle + Posesivo + cage, rub + Nombre + up the wrong way, spite, annoy, roil, nerve, gall, rile, peeve, enrage, hit + a (raw) nerve, strike + a nerve, exasperate, touch + a (raw) nerve, raise + Posesivo + hackles.
    Ex. She had been told from time to time that he seemed to derive satisfaction from needling the staff, but she had never been able to pin down specifically what he does that irks them.
    Ex. She had been told from time to time that he seemed to derive satisfaction from needling the staff, but she had never been able to pin down specifically what he does that irks them.
    Ex. Their education must accordingly be designed to prepare them for that future, however much this may irritate the myopics whose only concern is for the present.
    Ex. The author maintains that his poem makes an attempt to rattle the cage and is a gesture toward revolt, a call to abandon any vision of human life that does not embrace the sexual universe.
    Ex. Relations between the two countries would now be difficult as our Prime Minister had rubbed theirs up the wrong way over ridiculous matters.
    Ex. Men's abuse of children is in many instances instrumental in order to coerce or retaliate against women, echoing the Greek myth of Medea who killed her own children to spite her father.
    Ex. Library pests are any humans, large or microscopic beasts, library equipment or installations, or chemical and biological substances that hamper or annoy the reader.
    Ex. Episcopalians were roiled by the approval of a rector outspokenly conservative on such matters as the liturgy, the hymnal and ordination.
    Ex. But there's something which has nerved me before with the forum.
    Ex. It was the American attitude of superiority that galled them the most.
    Ex. Now is not the time for superfluous rantings intended to rile the public.
    Ex. Things like talking over the performances and cutting to commercials in the middle of performances were really peaving the people who watched.
    Ex. On a recent field trip, he drank too much and became enraged with another student by whom he felt insulted.
    Ex. Based on their account, it seems obvious that Beauperthuy hit a raw nerve among some of the medical research leaders of the day.
    Ex. His plethoric prose produced by a prodigious placement of words struck a nerve.
    Ex. Radical intellectuals often seem exasperated by what appears as excessive attention paid to conceptualization.
    Ex. Obama's election seems to have touched a raw nerve in conservative white America, unleashing a torrent of right-wing rage unseen in this country.
    Ex. But be prepared to raise some hackles if you take this approach, because it is essential you do it openly and not behind your boss' back.
    * irritarse con = get + short with.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <piel/garganta> to irritate
    b) < persona> to annoy, irritate
    irritarse v pron
    a) piel/ojos to become irritated
    b) persona to get annoyed, get irritated
    * * *
    = irk, needle, irritate, rattle + Posesivo + cage, rub + Nombre + up the wrong way, spite, annoy, roil, nerve, gall, rile, peeve, enrage, hit + a (raw) nerve, strike + a nerve, exasperate, touch + a (raw) nerve, raise + Posesivo + hackles.

    Ex: She had been told from time to time that he seemed to derive satisfaction from needling the staff, but she had never been able to pin down specifically what he does that irks them.

    Ex: She had been told from time to time that he seemed to derive satisfaction from needling the staff, but she had never been able to pin down specifically what he does that irks them.
    Ex: Their education must accordingly be designed to prepare them for that future, however much this may irritate the myopics whose only concern is for the present.
    Ex: The author maintains that his poem makes an attempt to rattle the cage and is a gesture toward revolt, a call to abandon any vision of human life that does not embrace the sexual universe.
    Ex: Relations between the two countries would now be difficult as our Prime Minister had rubbed theirs up the wrong way over ridiculous matters.
    Ex: Men's abuse of children is in many instances instrumental in order to coerce or retaliate against women, echoing the Greek myth of Medea who killed her own children to spite her father.
    Ex: Library pests are any humans, large or microscopic beasts, library equipment or installations, or chemical and biological substances that hamper or annoy the reader.
    Ex: Episcopalians were roiled by the approval of a rector outspokenly conservative on such matters as the liturgy, the hymnal and ordination.
    Ex: But there's something which has nerved me before with the forum.
    Ex: It was the American attitude of superiority that galled them the most.
    Ex: Now is not the time for superfluous rantings intended to rile the public.
    Ex: Things like talking over the performances and cutting to commercials in the middle of performances were really peaving the people who watched.
    Ex: On a recent field trip, he drank too much and became enraged with another student by whom he felt insulted.
    Ex: Based on their account, it seems obvious that Beauperthuy hit a raw nerve among some of the medical research leaders of the day.
    Ex: His plethoric prose produced by a prodigious placement of words struck a nerve.
    Ex: Radical intellectuals often seem exasperated by what appears as excessive attention paid to conceptualization.
    Ex: Obama's election seems to have touched a raw nerve in conservative white America, unleashing a torrent of right-wing rage unseen in this country.
    Ex: But be prepared to raise some hackles if you take this approach, because it is essential you do it openly and not behind your boss' back.
    * irritarse con = get + short with.

    * * *
    irritar [A1 ]
    1 ‹piel/garganta› to irritate
    el humo le irritaba los ojos the smoke was irritating his eyes
    tiene la garganta irritada his throat is sore o inflamed
    2 ‹persona› to annoy, irritate
    1 «piel/ojos» to become irritated
    2 «persona» to get annoyed, get irritated
    se irritó por lo que le dije he got annoyed o irritated at what I said
    nunca se irrita con las críticas de sus adversarios she never gets annoyed at her opponents' criticisms
    * * *

    irritar ( conjugate irritar) verbo transitivo
    a)piel/garganta to irritate;

    tiene la garganta irritada his throat is sore o inflamed

    irritarse verbo pronominal
    a) [piel/ojos] to become irritated

    irritar verbo transitivo to irritate
    ' irritar' also found in these entries:
    - enfermar
    - picar
    - provocar
    - chocar
    - fastidiar
    - reventar
    - irk
    - irritate
    - needle
    - rile
    - roil
    - rub
    - annoy
    - vex
    * * *
    1. [enfadar] to irritate, to annoy
    2. [piel, garganta] to irritate;
    me irritó la garganta/piel it gave me a sore throat/a rash;
    el humo me irrita los pulmones smoke irritates my lungs
    * * *
    v/t tb MED irritate
    * * *
    : to irritate
    * * *
    irritar vb to irritate

    Spanish-English dictionary > irritar

  • 20 darse cuenta

    to realize, to catch on, to catch the drift, to find out.
    * * *
    (v.) = become + aware, dawn on, detect, perceive, find, note, make + aware, come to + realise, wise up, reach + understanding, eye + catch, strike + home, suss (out), hit + home
    Ex. For the first time now he became aware that he was being watched.
    Ex. It dawned on her that what she was doing might be a mistake, and she began to think of how best to extricate herself.
    Ex. Then, in the 1930s extraterrestrial radio signals were detected, and during the last four decades a whole new intellectual area of science has developed, namely radio astronomy.
    Ex. Hypermedia offers unheard of opportunities to gain insight into the way young people perceive, process and use information.
    Ex. His trial came up in July 1892 and by then the city accountant had found that over $9,000 had been misappropriated.
    Ex. Collation is the term used for the physical check of books to note any imperfections such as missing or duplicated sections.
    Ex. Libraries need to be made aware of all possible networking options, the benefits of the lesser known OSI suite of protocols and the requirements for establishing an OSI environment.
    Ex. Gradually many of these conquerors came to realize that, although military might was necessary to gain control over an area, sheer force of arms was not sufficient to govern effectively.
    Ex. The article 'Cataloguing electronic resources: wise up or dumb down?' argues that WWW search engines do a good job in impossibly difficult circumstances but that they do not provide enough information about a resource.
    Ex. There was no other way that William could just then express the understanding he had clearly reached that some books are impossible to read.
    Ex. As Klaus's acute observations are unhampered by romantic ideals, his eye catches the plastic trash by the roadway as well as the colors of moss on the landing strip.
    Ex. Among many observations in this widely bruited report, one in particular struck home: fewer books had been translated into Arabic in a millennium than were translated into Spanish in a year.
    Ex. He was incredulous when he sussed that the noises came from bona-fide gibbons.
    Ex. With our students, with our employees, the stress of the pulp and paper mill's shutdown is starting to hit home.
    * * *
    (v.) = become + aware, dawn on, detect, perceive, find, note, make + aware, come to + realise, wise up, reach + understanding, eye + catch, strike + home, suss (out), hit + home

    Ex: For the first time now he became aware that he was being watched.

    Ex: It dawned on her that what she was doing might be a mistake, and she began to think of how best to extricate herself.
    Ex: Then, in the 1930s extraterrestrial radio signals were detected, and during the last four decades a whole new intellectual area of science has developed, namely radio astronomy.
    Ex: Hypermedia offers unheard of opportunities to gain insight into the way young people perceive, process and use information.
    Ex: His trial came up in July 1892 and by then the city accountant had found that over $9,000 had been misappropriated.
    Ex: Collation is the term used for the physical check of books to note any imperfections such as missing or duplicated sections.
    Ex: Libraries need to be made aware of all possible networking options, the benefits of the lesser known OSI suite of protocols and the requirements for establishing an OSI environment.
    Ex: Gradually many of these conquerors came to realize that, although military might was necessary to gain control over an area, sheer force of arms was not sufficient to govern effectively.
    Ex: The article 'Cataloguing electronic resources: wise up or dumb down?' argues that WWW search engines do a good job in impossibly difficult circumstances but that they do not provide enough information about a resource.
    Ex: There was no other way that William could just then express the understanding he had clearly reached that some books are impossible to read.
    Ex: As Klaus's acute observations are unhampered by romantic ideals, his eye catches the plastic trash by the roadway as well as the colors of moss on the landing strip.
    Ex: Among many observations in this widely bruited report, one in particular struck home: fewer books had been translated into Arabic in a millennium than were translated into Spanish in a year.
    Ex: He was incredulous when he sussed that the noises came from bona-fide gibbons.
    Ex: With our students, with our employees, the stress of the pulp and paper mill's shutdown is starting to hit home.

    Spanish-English dictionary > darse cuenta

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